
  • You Can Overcome ‘Creative Mortification’

    You Can Overcome ‘Creative Mortification’

    Have you ever suffered creative mortification? Coined by educator Ronald Beghetto, the term describes losing your willingness to pursue a creative avenue following a negative outcome. Maybe you gave up on stand-up comedy forever after your set at the open mic night was met with murmurs instead of laughs, or you burned your accordion after…

  • What Is a Narcissistic Collapse?

    What Is a Narcissistic Collapse?

    The term “narcissist” is thrown around a lot to describe any self-centered person, but narcissistic personality disorder is a real diagnosis that can be pretty serious. While we tend to frame narcissists as villains when we talk about them, it’s important to remember that someone with NPD has a mental condition, and they can face…