Make the Best of This Cost of Living Mess With These Competitive Home Loan, Car Loan and Savings Rates
The RBA lifted the cash rate to 4.10 per cent in June – a scenario borrowers most likely never expected to materialise during the life of their loan, let alone in the space of little more than one year. Further rate rises could see Australians dip deeper into their savings to help cover the cost…
The Reserve Bank Has Explained What It Will Do When Rates Approach Zero
The Reserve Bank has spelled out what it will do when rates inevitably approach zero. Last night, in a much anticipated speech broadcast live on the Reserve Bank’s website, Governor Phil Lowe laid out in very clear terms the circumstances in which the bank would resort to quantitative easing and the way in which it…
RBA Rate Cuts: 0.75% Is Just The Beginning
On Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut the official cash rate to a historic low of 0.75%. It has also admitted that further cuts are on the horizon – which means interest rates of near zero, and beyond. Here’s what that means for the Australian economy.