
  • How to Stop Yourself From Procrastinating So Damn Much

    How to Stop Yourself From Procrastinating So Damn Much

    Do you ever beat yourself up for procrastinating? You might be composing that message to a friend who you have to let down, or writing a big report for school or work, and doing your best to avoid it but deep down knowing you should just get on with it. Unfortunately, telling yourself off won’t…

  • How Your Guilt Can Actually Help You

    How Your Guilt Can Actually Help You

    After making a mistake, feeling guilt is a good thing — it means you have empathy. Sometimes our guilt is self-imposed and unhelpful, like after you let yourself relax and subsequently don’t feel productive enough. Other times, guilt is a powerful motivator to do better going forward, like after you fail to make time for…

  • Your Dog Can Smell Your Stress

    Your Dog Can Smell Your Stress

    Dogs have a long history alongside humans, giving them an amazing ability to read human cues. Dogs also possess an incredible sense of smell, which enables them to detect diseases, such as COVID and lung cancer, in humans from odour alone. Whether dogs’ capabilities extend to detecting odours associated with psychological states has been explored…

  • The Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

    The Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

    Despite our illusions of independence and control, it’s possible to manipulate people using a variety of psychological tricks — heck, that’s what the entire advertising and marketing industry is built on. So it stands to reason that a little light mind control could make things go your way a bit more often. When you dig…