
  • You Can Polish Chrome Fixtures With Baby Oil

    You Can Polish Chrome Fixtures With Baby Oil

    For years, the internet has insisted that you can use baby oil to polish chrome and faucet fixtures. As someone with disgusting faucets that never seem to be improved by scrubbing, I finally gave in to the pressure. The claims say it will cut through gunk and film, leaving a shiny faucet (or toilet handle…

  • This Is the Best Way to Clean Dirty Oven Racks

    This Is the Best Way to Clean Dirty Oven Racks

    You’re here because you want to know the best way to clean your oven rack. That makes sense, as there are some zany hacks out there—but they can get so convoluted it’s hard to know if they’re the best way. For instance, a not-insignificant number of people swear by setting oven racks in dewy grass…

  • 9 Weird Noises Your Houses Is Making and What They Mean

    9 Weird Noises Your Houses Is Making and What They Mean

    Most of us like our houses to be quiet, peaceful places, but we also accept that no house is perfectly silent. While a creaking floor or a noisy radiator might be part of the charm of an older home, sometimes a noisy house is trying to tell you something, and that something might be expensive…

  • The Easiest Way to Fix a Dripping Shower Head

    The Easiest Way to Fix a Dripping Shower Head

    A dripping shower head isn’t just annoying: It’s also a waste of water with environmental and financial consequences. There are a number of different issues that could result in a leaking shower head, including some best left to plumbing professionals.