
  • Will Eating Nuts Make You Gain Weight?

    The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend we eat 30g of nuts – a small handful – each day. But many of us know nuts are high in calories and fat. So should we be eating nuts or will they make us gain weight?

  • Expert Opinion: Should I Let My Kids Drink Juice?

    Most parents will tell you their kids love juice. It tastes good, often comes in convenient and child-friendly packaging, and seems much healthier than soft drinks, sports drinks or other sweet beverages. It comes from fruit, after all. But we also know it’s high in sugar, and so can contribute to obesity and dental problems.…

  • 10 Ways Australians Can Improve Their Health

    In Australia, one in every two people has a chronic disease. These diseases, such as cancer, mental illness and heart disease, reduce quality of life and can lead to premature death. Younger generations are increasingly at risk. Crucially, one-third of the disease burden could be prevented and chronic diseases often share the same risk factors.…

  • Is It Legal To Get The Sack For Being Overweight?

    The obesity epidemic is growing at an alarming rate and in Australia, over 63 per cent of adults are overweight. That’s 2 in 3 adults. With so many people carrying excess bulk, it’s not just a health issue, it’s an employment issue as well. In light of recent developments, we answer the question: is it…