People Who Are Bad With Numbers Often Find It Harder to Make Ends Meet
The big idea People who are bad with numbers are more likely to experience financial difficulties than people who are good with numbers. That’s according to our analyses of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll. In this World Risk Poll, people from 141 countries were asked if 10% was bigger than, smaller than or…
Happy 22/2/22 Twosday! Why Numbers Like This Have Fascinated Us for Over 2,000 Years
This Feb. 22, the world hits an unprecedented milestone. It’s the date itself: 22/2/22. And this so-called “Twosday” falls on a Tuesday, no less. It’s true the number pattern stands out, impossible to miss. But does it mean anything? Judging by the thousands of commemorative products available for purchase online, it may appear to. “Twosday”…
Use Wolfram Alpha To Conceptualise Giant Numbers
Our monkey brains didn’t evolve to understand big numbers without some help. So when you run into an abstract figure, it’s good to have some real-world thing to compare it to. That’s why I a video comparing Jeff Bezos’s money to Beyoncé’s. When you need to visualise a certain number, large or small, search it…
Stop Some Of Your Self-Tracking To Relieve Stress And Live Freely
Self-tracking can be beneficial if you use it the right way. However, if you’re spending too much time focusing on all the numbers in your life and not living it, you’re probably going to stress yourself.