
  • Four Reasons Your Cat Keeps Peeing Outside Their Litter Box

    Four Reasons Your Cat Keeps Peeing Outside Their Litter Box

    When your cat starts peeing outside the box, your first instinct might be to call the vet: Could it be a UTI? Kidney stones? Diabetes? Cancer? While it’s true that pee problems can be a sign of any of these health issues, in many cases, cats are simply lodging a complaint with the box itself.…

  • The Difference Between a Possum and an Opossum

    The Difference Between a Possum and an Opossum

    Possums look like scraggly, ratty creatures — or at least that’s what I used to think. You see them trundling across roads at nighttime, sharp-toothed bundles of fur with a long naked tail trailing behind. But one day, I visited a museum that had pelts of dozens of different animals in a hands-on display. Some…