
  • Ask LH: Are Social Location Services Worth Using?

    Ask LH: Are Social Location Services Worth Using?

    Dear Lifehacker, Some of my friends use Foursquare and swear by it, and others use Yelp and check in to places. I have other friends who are sad that Latitude is going away. What’s with all of these social location services? Is there any good reason to use them? Don’t they just give away your…

  • How To Turn Your Phone Into A Mind-Reading Personal Assistant

    Smartphones are actually pretty dumb. They can only do what you tell them to do, and manually entering information gets tedious. But you can make your phone smarter and turn it into a mind-reading personal assistant that informs you of important information as you need it, such as traffic information or shopping reminders, and even…

  • Roamz Updates With Search, Starring

    iOS: Roamz, the Australian-developed application which finds good stuff near where you are by combing through social networks, has updated. The big change in version 2.5 is the ability to search for activities in specific categories, and to ‘star’ interesting locations you want to check out in the future. When you’re near a place you’ve…