
  • Prime Video Wants You to Actually Hear the Goddamn Dialogue

    Prime Video Wants You to Actually Hear the Goddamn Dialogue

    If you can’t hear what’s going on when watching modern shows and movies on your TV, you’re not alone. It can be damn near impossible to understand what characters are saying these days, to the point that many of us to exclusively watch with subtitles on. There are a host of reasons we’re in the…

  • You Can Use Apple AirPlay to Stream From a Windows PC Too

    You Can Use Apple AirPlay to Stream From a Windows PC Too

    AirPlay allows you to stream music from an Apple device to your HomePod, or mirror video content from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac to a bigger screen. As long as all devices are connected to the same wifi network, AirPlay works really well within the Apple ecosystem. But even if your primary computer is a…

  • Are You Streaming in the Best Quality Possible?

    Are You Streaming in the Best Quality Possible?

    To me, video quality matters. I try to watch TV and movies in the best possible resolution, especially if I’m paying for those pixels. Netflix, for instance, charges more for its 4K HDR content — a lot more, actually. But even if your streaming service offers 4K HDR content, you might not be experiencing it…