how i work
I’m David Murphy, Lifehacker Technology Editor, And This Is How I Work
Every week, we share the shortcuts, workspaces and productivity tips of our favourite experts. Now, we’re going behind the scenes at Lifehacker. I’m David Murphy, and this is how I work.
I’m Doron Weber, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Program Director, And This Is How I Work
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a non-profit that funds original research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics through programs like the Sloan Research Fellowships for young scientists and scholars, and the Alfred P. Sloan Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. As VP and program director, Doron Weber decides who gets many…
I’m Mapbox CEO Eric Gundersen, And This Is How I Work
You might not recognise the name Mapbox, but you’ve seen the company’s work in services from CNN, Snapchat, Instacart, and the Weather Channel. (You can also use it to make a pretty lock screen.) Eric Gundersen started Mapbox after building open source mapping tools for international development agencies like Doctors Without Borders. We talked to…
I’m Franki Chan, Founder Of IHEARTCOMIX, And This Is How I Work
If you’re trying to combine creative work with “pay the bills” work, look at IHEARTCOMIX, a creative agency that integrates its client work (recent projects include marketing for Black Panther and Mary Poppins Returns) with in-house projects like the music label IHC 1NFINITY, which sets all its music videos in a shared universe. We talked to…