
  • Here’s a Way to Make Sure Actually Read the Books You Buy

    Here’s a Way to Make Sure Actually Read the Books You Buy

    Do you have a massive TBR (“to be read”) pile? You’re not alone. There are so many great books out there, and so little time to read them. But I’ve managed to tame my TBR pile with a simple shift in mindset — and this trick also works for video games, craft supplies, and anything…

  • For the Best Waffled Sandwich, Waffle Your Meat First

    For the Best Waffled Sandwich, Waffle Your Meat First

    When I first started this series, I set out to waffle strange and unusual things that had yet to be waffled. I skipped over the waffled grilled cheese because it seemed too obvious, but it is a top tier waffled delight. If you want to make it more of a meal, you can add a…

  • The Smartest Way to Keep Pantry Moths Out of Your Kitchen

    The Smartest Way to Keep Pantry Moths Out of Your Kitchen

    It’s never great finding an insect or some other type of pest hanging out in your home, but discovering one residing in your food is especially disgusting. Coming across some ants marching in a line across your kitchen floor is one thing; opening up a container of flour and finding moths, tiny caterpillars, and a…

  • Season Your Food Gently With Sea Salt Spray

    Season Your Food Gently With Sea Salt Spray

    Giant salt flakes are the cool kids of food pop culture. It makes sense, they make a great snacking salt, but they’ve managed to siphon away attention from the other, more subtle forms of sodium chloride. You don’t always have to flaunt your flakes. Sometimes big flakes are too aggressive, or a sprinkle of table…