How to Get a Medical Certificate or Prescription Renewed Online in Minutes
There are few things worse than holding your head over a bucket all night, or waking up feeling like you’ve just been hit by a truck. And while we can’t necessarily prevent these inevitable joys of life, there are certainly ways to make them easier to manage when they pop up. Introducing: Youly, a specialised…
What Rights Do You Have in Australia When It Comes to Abortion?
The announcement of the end of Roe v Wade in the United States has sparked outrage and heartbreak across the globe, with folks all over speaking out against the overturning of abortion rights in the country. While the legal situation in Australia is quite different to that of the United States, the news has still…
How to Make the Most of a Telehealth Doctor Visit
Though telemedicine has been around for years, it has gone from being a lesser-known healthcare option to a lifeline for many people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you wanted to do a virtual check-in with your doctor to ask about potential COVID symptoms, or your kid somehow acquired pink eye during lockdown and they needed…
What Trump’s New Policy Means for Trans Healthcare In The U.S.
Last week, two black trans women were murdered. Friday, June 12 marked the fourth anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting, during which 49 people were shot and killed at an LGBTQ venue in Orlando. Friday was also the day the Trump administration announced it was rolling back an Obama-era regulation providing protections for transgender individuals…