
  • Relive Your Glory Days With These Retro TV Sites

    Relive Your Glory Days With These Retro TV Sites

    The TV of today is fundamentally different from even its relatively recent past. Sure, cable still exists, but broadcast TV is increasingly an afterthought and those times when everyone seems to be watching the same show are fewer and farther between. You’re streaming something on HBO, I’m binging a season of one of Netflix’s latest…

  • 10 of the Best Movies That Prove Rich People Are Terrible

    10 of the Best Movies That Prove Rich People Are Terrible

    Oliver Stone’s Wall Street gave us the iconic, and chronically misused, aphorism “greed is good,” but the movies generally love to show us the opposite. History is positively lousy with movies in which avaricious characters get what’s coming to them — whose greed is punished, in one way or another. Real life tends to be…

  • 25 Movies That Are Basically Perfect

    25 Movies That Are Basically Perfect

    Some of the very best movies of all time have flaws that aren’t terminal, but that are nevertheless prominent: a questionable performance, a problematic element, an ending that doesn’t quite land. That’s fine: a film that takes risks is generally preferable to one that’s technically proficient but dull, and a movie can be great without…