
  • 20 Movies That will Remind You the Government Can’t Be Trusted

    20 Movies That will Remind You the Government Can’t Be Trusted

    Governments lie. They cheat. They steal. Sometimes the blame comes from within: corrupt individuals who’d conned their ways into the halls of power with no moral compass beyond their own self-aggrandizement. Sometimes, the fault lies within ourselves: We’re drawn to populist politicians who tell us what we want to hear even when we very much…

  • Why Now Is the Time to Reassess Your Streaming Service Needs

    Why Now Is the Time to Reassess Your Streaming Service Needs

    Spring cleaning can take many different forms. Sorting through the closet and donating the clothes you never wear. Going through the cabinets and throwing out spices that expired during the Clinton administration. Poring over your credit card bill and realising you are subscribed to so many streaming services, you’re paying more than you did for…

  • Finally, a Universal Watchlist for All Your Streaming Services

    Finally, a Universal Watchlist for All Your Streaming Services

    Streamer’s fatigue — in which you jump endlessly from one streaming app to another, trying to figure out what to watch — is real. Or you come across something online you know you want to watch, but you don’t know where to stream it. This is a problem that companies like Apple and Google have…