Test Your Endurance With This Never-Ending AI-Generated ‘Seinfeld’ Show
You can binge all nine seasons of Seinfeld as many times as you want, but you’ll never see another new episode again. That is, until you tune into Nothing, Forever a never-ending AI-generated spoof of the hit sitcom that just might melt your brain.
You’re Wrong About ‘Less’ vs. ‘Fewer’ ?
Have you ever seen that sign at the grocery store counter that reads “ten items or less” and sputtered, “It should say ‘ten items or fewer!’” and had your monocle fall off in a spasm of self-righteousness? Well, don’t call the manager yet, Professor English, because it’s not that simple. I’m gonna blow your mind…
Stay A While in a Fugue State With the ‘Fog-Dweller’
I’m currently sitting in the dining room of my friend’s Red Hook apartment, at a stately and beautiful walnut table that has been sullied by the trappings of my “productivity”; laptop, papers, books I probably won’t get around to reading, a busted-but-still-functioning set of headphones, crumpled receipts and a large, partially used sheath of paper…