
  • An Adult’s Guide to Finally Learning to Like Vegetables

    An Adult’s Guide to Finally Learning to Like Vegetables

    Vegetables are an essential part of eating healthy, but getting enough vegetables can be a challenge for those of us who, to be totally honest, never learned to like them. I was once a vegetable hater, so I totally get this. But you can learn to like veggies, even if you despised them as a…

  • Foods You Should Be Grating, But Probably Aren’t

    Foods You Should Be Grating, But Probably Aren’t

    Whether you get it off the block or grab handfuls from a bag, grated cheese is an important food. The tiny teeth of the grater transform it from a solid state into fluffy clouds of parmesan or piles of cheddar that melt the moment they make contact with hot food. There is no reason to…

  • You Must Make These Air-Fried Caramel Pasta Crisps

    You Must Make These Air-Fried Caramel Pasta Crisps

    Pasta can, and should, be dessert. There are a number of ways to transform this popular carb into a show-stopping sweet, but you can also turn a pot of rigatoni into a quick, snackable, four-ingredient nosh. It’s a lovely afternoon graze, and completely appropriate for watching TV (turn the captions on to combat their crackling…

  • Your Marinara Needs Onions or Garlic, but Not Both

    Your Marinara Needs Onions or Garlic, but Not Both

    A few years ago, I read somewhere that Italians never use onions and garlic in their marinara; it’s always one or the other. Like so many black-and-white cooking “rules” you come across online, this one didn’t stand up to cursory Googling — it might be true in some regions of Italy, but it’s more of…