How to Ease Back Into Running This Spring Without Getting Injured
When spring sunshine and warmer temperatures begin to tempt us, the roads and trails beckon. After struggling mentally and physically to get our training in during the winter, conditions are now more conducive to longer kilometres and harder training. But if you rush into training too quickly, you may find yourself derailed by injury. And…
How to Ditch Your Smartwatch and Jog Like It’s 1982
I remember the first time I heard about fitness trackers that could spit out metrics about my running. A friend lent me what was probably an early-generation Garmin, and I was gobsmacked to learn that it could tell me my exact pace at any given moment. Hey look, I’m running a 10 minute 1km! Now…
How Understanding ‘Density’ Can Help You Avoid Overtraining
When I first started coaching, I would often have to talk a new client off the ledge of despair. They would look at their training plan and get overwhelmed by the prospect of so many workouts and long runs.