
  • Use These Strategies to Dominate Your Scattered Brain

    Use These Strategies to Dominate Your Scattered Brain

    Sometimes your mind is all over the place, and you can’t seem to pinpoint why. You’ve tried all sorts of productivity hacks. You’ve tried approaching relaxation as a skill that requires practice. Still, you’re struggling to stay on top of a nasty case of scatterbrained madness.

  • 10 Apps Every Student Should Have on Their Phone

    10 Apps Every Student Should Have on Their Phone

    In 2021, a smartphone and a tablet are a uni student’s lifeline. Thanks to innovative and useful apps, these devices can help you manage your tasks, keep your calendar, and even help you be a better student through innovative note taking, flashcard, and visualisation tools.

  • Plan And Prioritise Your Way to Productivity Zen

    The data is in and we are all struggling to use our work time as effectively as possible. We are hit with notifications almost constantly, the number of different apps we use keeps growing and we’re drowning under a rising data tide. How do we become more productive in the face of this tidal wave…