
  • Keep Your Pets Away From These Christmas Foods

    Keep Your Pets Away From These Christmas Foods

    Christmas is a wonderful time to relax with family and friends, both two and four legged. But it can be a scary and dangerous time for pets. Food, presents, decorations and even visitors to our homes can all become hazards. Vets typically report the festive season as being one of their busiest times of year.…

  • How To Recover From A Food Coma

    How To Recover From A Food Coma

    Shutterstock/ Dmitri Ma Well, you’ve done it. You’ve gone and eaten yourself into a food coma. Your belly feels stretched beyond capacity and you can barely move your limbs. The ideal solution is no doubt to surrender to a tryptophan-induced slumber until it all blows over. But since the pleasure of a gastronomic blackout isn’t…