
  • 10 of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Leaving Bed

    10 of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Leaving Bed

    There are a lot of reasons to stay in bed these days. The temperature is getting lower, and COVID cases are once again rising. If you want to stay under the covers, but still want to fit in some kind of movement, we’ve rounded up some exercises you can without getting out of bed.

  • How to Break Through a Lifting Plateau

    How to Break Through a Lifting Plateau

    When you start lifting, those first few weeks are bliss. Sure, maybe you’re sore sometimes and get confused about how to do each new exercise, but you can add weight to the bar every week, maybe every workout, and you feel unstoppable. No gain train goes on forever though, so what do you do when…

  • Are Sumo Deadlifts Cheating?

    Are Sumo Deadlifts Cheating?

    A deadlift, in which you grab a barbell from the ground and stand up with it, is both one of the simplest barbell lifts and one of the heaviest. But what happens if you do the lift with your feet stretched out to the sides? Does that make it any less of an accomplishment?