
  • What to Say to Someone Pushing Crypto at You

    What to Say to Someone Pushing Crypto at You

    The tail end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 have brought with them a slew of negative crypto news, from industry layoffs to fraud charges against one of the industry’s former gurus. Once you’ve digested the bad news (and brushed up on the basics of all things cryptocurrency), you might find yourself feeling resolved in…

  • Let’s Bring Back the Fruit Stocking Stuffer

    Let’s Bring Back the Fruit Stocking Stuffer

    I read a lot of historical fiction as a child — most of it in the American Girl Doll series. I don’t know how they do it now, but back in my day each doll had six matching books (each sold separately!), and all of the books had nearly identical titles — the only part…

  • How to Cope With a Colicky Baby

    How to Cope With a Colicky Baby

    All babies cry. But some babies cry a lot. A colicky baby — defined as a healthy baby who cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week — presents a mental, physical, and emotional challenge for new parents beyond what most of us can fathom. To be tasked with…