Lauren Passell

  • 12 of the Best Podcasts of 2024 (So Far)

    12 of the Best Podcasts of 2024 (So Far)

    We’re nearly halfway through 2024, which makes it’s a great time to do inventory on the podcasts that have come out so far that shouldn’t be missed. Here’s a list of the true-crime, comedy, fiction, and culture shows that stand out from the rest and will be some of the best things you listen to…

  • 10 Optimistic Podcast to Make You Feel Less Bad About Existing in 2024

    10 Optimistic Podcast to Make You Feel Less Bad About Existing in 2024

    We’re only a few months into 2024 and it’s going…bad. Horrific wars, mass civilian casualties, the ever worsening specter of climate change, and lots more to feel justifiably hopeless and helpless about (and we’re not even in the thick of election season in the U.S. yet). When things seem bleak (because they are), your best…

  • 10 of the Best Podcasts About Adoption

    10 of the Best Podcasts About Adoption

    November is National Adoption Month, and a great time to highlight stories from adoptees, adoptive parents, or people who want to better understand what it’s like to be involved in the adoption process. These 10 podcasts tell stories of people from all across the spectrum of adoption experiences, highlighting traumas and joys in equal measure…