
  • How to Tell If a CPU Is Actually Worth the Upgrade

    How to Tell If a CPU Is Actually Worth the Upgrade

    There’s a lot of hype around how many cores a device’s CPU (aka Central Processing Unit) has. It’s common to hear people say that more cores equals more processing power, and while that’s technically true, it’s not the whole picture. There are actually several factors that determine a processor’s power and speed…and even if a…

  • How To Clean Your Dusty, Messy Desktop PC

    How To Clean Your Dusty, Messy Desktop PC

    Can you remember the last time you cleaned your desktop PC? I don’t mean wiping some guacamole off the the side of the case during a burrito binge. I’m talking about going in there and really getting all the accumulated dust out of your expensive parts (and fans). Spring cleaning your system isn’t hard to…