
  • Your Pancakes Need Apple Cider Syrup

    Your Pancakes Need Apple Cider Syrup

    Apple cider syrup is the dirty martini of pancake syrups. Pure maple syrup may be the delicate, classic choice, but there’s a certain kind of wayward satisfaction when you make a syrup out of something intended for drinking. This technique is dead simple, cheaper than real maple syrup, and gives you the concentrated snap of…

  • Forget Olivia Wilde, What’s in Your ‘Special Salad Dressing’?

    Forget Olivia Wilde, What’s in Your ‘Special Salad Dressing’?

    Yesterday, the Daily Mail released an “exclusive” report on the “inside story” of the breakup between Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis, filled with text messages and anecdotes from their anonymous former nanny. The whole thing is very messy and sad, and while the couple has denounced these “false and scurrilous accusations,” the internet seems to…

  • Now Is the Season of the Cider Float

    Now Is the Season of the Cider Float

    Apple cider can take many forms. Hot or cold, still or sparkling, hard or soft — all of these words can and have been used to describe the beverage. And though they may vary in flavour, temperature, effervescence, and alcohol content, all of these ciders have one very important thing in common: they all taste…