
  • Safely Temper Eggs With a Baster

    Safely Temper Eggs With a Baster

    Tempering eggs isn’t easy. Even after doing it hundreds of times, I still reconsider recipes that require me to slowly drizzle scalding liquid from a heavy pot with my non-dominant hand while simultaneously whisking with the other. It’s messy, it’s hot, it’s frustrating. Luckily, you can make tempering a heck of a lot easier (and…

  • You Should Salt Your Cheap Candy

    You Should Salt Your Cheap Candy

    You may have heard that things are happening, and these things are bringing up some emotions for me. I’ve been eating my feelings over the last few days, and those feelings have been a combination of salty and sweet. I’ve been shoveling peanut butter cups into my mouth (for energy), but I have been pausing…

  • How to Stop Your Marshmallows From Getting Stale

    How to Stop Your Marshmallows From Getting Stale

    Marshmallows have two seasons: hot chocolate treat season, which is around the winter, and holiadys season, which is now. Unless you’re a true ‘mallow head, you probably don’t go through that many bags of the fluffy white confection each year. In fact, you could have a half-consumed bag of marshmallows hanging out in your pantry…

  • Rain Doesn’t Have to Make Trick-or-Treating Miserable

    Rain Doesn’t Have to Make Trick-or-Treating Miserable

    Even though I live in the Pacific Northwest, between the pandemic and having fairly young kids, we haven’t experienced a super wet trick-or-treating night yet. This year, however, rain is in the forecast (for Australia as well). Whether you’re also expecting rain or it sneaks up on you unexpectedly, here’s how to prepare if you…