Roast Your Broccoli at a Lower Temperature
Broccoli is a journeyman vegetable. Consistent and dependable, it does exactly what you ask of it every time, without requiring much fanfare or an overly precious cooking method. The stalks can be cooked in a myriad of ways, most of which are pretty good, but roasting has the best effort-to-reward ratio — especially if you…
Get Thee to an Air Fryer and Make Maple Candied Broccoli
I am not very good about cleaning my air fryer. I’ll clean the basket if it gets truly gunky, but I usually wipe it out with a paper towel, or simply cook today’s food in last night’s grease. It’s gross, but this particular type of slovenliness often leads to innovation.
Make A Big Batch Of Breakfast Coleslaw And Eat From It All Week
It is a well-established fact that starting your day with a salad makes you morally superior to everyone around you in every way, but weekday mornings are simply not the time for rinsing, chopping, and dressing a pile of vegetables. Enter the breakfast slaw — the make-ahead option for breakfast salad lovers that can be…