
  • Dry Roast Some Nuts for a Better Bowl of Cereal

    Dry Roast Some Nuts for a Better Bowl of Cereal

    Some mornings I feel like I have nothing edible in my kitchen, usually after a missed grocery run. This time, my options were my sometimes-nemesis, oatmeal, or the dregs of Raisin Bran. (Not all cereal is bland and flavourless, but Raisin Bran really toes the line.) To save myself from a morning of chomping while…

  • What If You Made Oatmeal in Your Rice Cooker?

    What If You Made Oatmeal in Your Rice Cooker?

    Oatmeal lovers, I have good news for you. If you got excited when overnight oats were added to your groat repertoire, you might not be able to contain yourself when you find out there is yet another way to prepare them. Because it turns out that, under the right conditions, oatmeal can be prepared in…