
  • 10 of the Best TED Talks to Watch With Your Kids

    10 of the Best TED Talks to Watch With Your Kids

    There are lots of inspiring TED Talks out there for adults — but if we’re not sharing some of them with our kids, they’re missing out on all the entertainment, context, knowledge, and motivation so many of them can provide. Some TED Talks are given by kids or specifically for kids, and that’s great. However,…

  • Now Is The Time To Build A Ridiculous Contraption

    Have you ever wanted to build a ridiculous contraption with your kids? The sort of homemade machine that takes a simple, everyday task—like, I don’t know, passing the salt—and makes it unnecessarily complicated, albeit effective. Maybe it never occurred to you to spend an entire weekend figuring out a new way to drop a bar…

  • Create Rainy Day Activity Bags For Your Kids

    I’m all about letting kids be bored (it’s good for them) and responsible for their own entertainment (they have a ton of toys), but once in a while, it’s nice to provide them with a little inspiration. Especially when they’ve been stuck inside for the past few days because of bad weather and they’re practically…