
  • You Should Waffle Some Instant Mashed Potatoes

    You Should Waffle Some Instant Mashed Potatoes

    I have a secret shame, and his name is Bob. Bob’s Red Mill Instant Mashed Potatoes, to be exact. I originally bought them to thicken up soups, but things have spiraled out of control. As a professional food writer, I have no business eating these; as a lazy powerlifter, I cannot stop eating them, usually…

  • 12 Once Normal Baby Names That Pop Culture Basically Ruined

    12 Once Normal Baby Names That Pop Culture Basically Ruined

    I’m not one of those joyless people who thinks there’s something wrong with giving children creative and unusual names — I’d rather meet a little kid named Killarney than Kevin any day. But parents are tying their offspring to the associations people have with certain names, so they should at least consider what they’re in…