
  • How Much You Really Earn As a Dog Walker

    How Much You Really Earn As a Dog Walker

    As far as side hustles go, dog walking sounds like a sweet deal: Get some time with cute pups, get your steps in, and get paid. But like with most aspects of the gig economy, how much money you actually make depends on a lot of factors. How you advertise your services and your flexibility…

  • How to Train Your Dog to Like the Vet

    How to Train Your Dog to Like the Vet

    The vet isn’t particularly fun for most dogs — they expect to be poked, prodded, and are often separated from you. Some dogs are anxious and scared about going to the vet, while others get protective and reactive. My dog looks for any possible escape the moment we enter the office and would dig through…

  • Why You Really Shouldn’t Take in a Wild Bird

    Why You Really Shouldn’t Take in a Wild Bird

    As a kid in the rural Midwest, I was accustomed to seeing people around me “rescue” injured birds, bring them into their homes, and care for them. The local vet even facilitated this by calling up certain families when a hurt bird was brought into his practice. We considered these birds lucky, Little-Orphan-Annie-style critters who…

  • How to Stop Birds From Building Nests in the Worst Places

    How to Stop Birds From Building Nests in the Worst Places

    While we might love to watch birds, sometimes they build their nests in dangerous or inconvenient places near our homes. It can be difficult to deal with a recurring bird nest and the mess they can make, not to mention the danger to them when they nest near vents or fans. There are some humane…