Stephen Johnson

  • The Out-of-Touch Adults’ Guide to Kid Culture: Uncanny Valley Makeup

    The Out-of-Touch Adults’ Guide to Kid Culture: Uncanny Valley Makeup

    Pop culture is like a disturbing science fiction movie this week. Young people are intentionally styling themselves as nightmarish quasi-humans, having their eyes burned at weird parties in Hong Kong, and sharing the trailer for a new Mean Girls movie. Uncanny valley makeup, explained The corner of TikTok devoted to makeup tutorials is on something…

  • Evil Week: 20 Unethical (but Brilliant) Life Hacks From Reddit

    Evil Week: 20 Unethical (but Brilliant) Life Hacks From Reddit

    Welcome to Evil Week, our annual dive into all the slightly sketchy hacks we’d usually refrain from recommending. Want to weasel your way into free drinks, play elaborate mind games, or, er, launder some money? We’ve got all the info you need to be successfully unsavory. The Lifehacker staff are all upstanding members of society…

  • Where to Stream the 2023 Cricket World Cup

    Where to Stream the 2023 Cricket World Cup

    Before the explosion of streaming services, watching certain sporting matches could be a sticky wicket, but these days, it’s easy, mate. Badgers (extreme cricket fans) can watch all 48 matches in the Men’s ICC ODI Cricket World Cup from their living rooms, even if they don’t have cable TV, so there’s no excuse to miss…