Michelle Woo

  • What Makes An Ultimate Pump-Up Song?  

    What Makes An Ultimate Pump-Up Song?  

    What song do you play when you need to feel like a ferocious animal, ready to attack whatever’s in front of you – a job interview, a 10K, Costco on a Saturday morning? Power songs can change your mood and even your behaviour, giving you the extra juice you need to, as Eminem raps, “find…

  • Record Yourself Reading Your Kid’s Favourite Books

    The Guardian published a list of advice from children’s laureates on how to raise bookworms. One of my favourite ideas comes from Julia Donaldson, an author I love. (I’ve read The Gruffalo and Room on the Broom to my daughter dozens of times—they are perfection.) Donaldson writes that she used to record herself reading her…

  • How To Help Your Kid Find Their People

    My 6-year-old daughter has been complaining about a girl at school. She plays with her often, but lately, she has been frustrated with the way she cuts her off when she’s talking and dismisses her need for “space”. I’ve tried to give her tools to communicate her feelings, but the other night, as she was…

  • Chain Your Kid’s Hairbrush To The Bathroom Wall

    If you’re curious about the morning routine of this parenting editor, I will tell you that a large portion of it involves scampering around the house, asking: “Has anyone seen a hairbrush?” (I say “a” hairbrush because we have about six of them lying around somewhere.)