
  • Combine Your Love of Art and Fat and Make a Butter Terrine

    Combine Your Love of Art and Fat and Make a Butter Terrine

    Both of my younger (identical) sisters are accomplished visual artists, whereas I — in spite of having taken Drawing for Non-Majors during my last semester at the University of Florida — struggle to draw stick figures. This lack of artistic ability extends to cake decorating, or anything that requires fine motor skills. I am, however,…

  • Why the Gym Won’t Fix Your Body Issues

    Why the Gym Won’t Fix Your Body Issues

    Some people exercise for health. Others exercise out of a sense of competitiveness or accomplishment. But by far, the most popular reason that people hit the gym is to make their body look better. They want to lose weight, be jacked, have abs, or look toned. But I would like to humbly suggest: maybe that…

  • How Long Does It Really Take to Form a Habit?

    How Long Does It Really Take to Form a Habit?

    Forming a habit is a classic life hack: You want to change something about your life, so you insert a new action into your daily routine. Soon enough, it becomes automatic — that’s the dream, anyway — and then that part of your life takes care of itself. So how long does it take to…