Elizabeth Yuko

Dr. Elizabeth Yuko is a bioethicist and adjunct professor of ethics at Fordham University. She has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, CNN & Playboy.

  • You Shouldn’t Use Exterior Paint Inside

    You Shouldn’t Use Exterior Paint Inside

    Having separate types of paint for indoor versus outdoor use may sound like a marketing ploy to get us to buy more paint—reminiscent of when advertisers a century ago tried to convince women to switch from a single all-purpose skin cream to using separate products for day and night. However, in this case, there are…

  • Avoid These 5 Common Gallery Wall Mistakes

    Avoid These 5 Common Gallery Wall Mistakes

    Even if you spend hours scrolling through Instagram posts featuring expertly decorated homes, that doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to bring those design elements into your own home—or where to start. For many people, that entry point is creating a gallery wall: A collection of (usually) framed art, photos, ephemera, and other objects, arranged…

  • Here’s When Fixing Your Dishwasher Makes More Sense

    Here’s When Fixing Your Dishwasher Makes More Sense

    If any of the major appliances in your home were to break, your dishwasher would probably be the least disruptive. Inconvenient? Sure. But given how many households don’t have a dishwasher at all, making do without yours for a bit probably wouldn’t be as bad as life without your refrigerator, for example. So, if your…