Claire Jackson

  • 15+ Games We Simply Must Install on Every New PC

    15+ Games We Simply Must Install on Every New PC

    Every new PC requires the obligatory christening of your browser of choice, Steam, other game storefronts, and miscellaneous productivity apps (in my case, that’s Obsidian, VCV, Reaper, Guitar Pro, and computer days are super busy for me) are obvious immediate downloads. But once you’ve got the basics, it’s time to grab some games. But…

  • 6 Ways to Improve Your PS5 Controller’s Poor Battery Life

    6 Ways to Improve Your PS5 Controller’s Poor Battery Life

    With the years-long PlayStation 5 shortage finally easing up a bit lately, odds are decent that you might be a new PlayStation 5 owner. There’s a lot to love about Sony’s most recent console; but if you’ve spent any amount of time gaming on it, then you know the DualSense gamepad’s battery isn’t one of…