Google has revealed the name of the latest version of its Android OS, Marshmallow, releasing an official SDK and final preview for it so developers can start creating apps for it. Here’s what we know about Google Android 6.0 so far.
Google has launched its Android 6.0 SDK and opened up Google Play for publishing apps that carry the new API level 23 in Android Marshmallow. The company has provided all the tools for developers to do this.
Here are the steps developers need to take to start testing apps in Android Marshmallow.
- Download the Android SDK into Android Studio.
- Update their app project ‘compileSdkVersion’ to 23.
- Optional: Update their app to ‘targetSdkVersion’ to 23 to test out specific seatures like auto-backup and app permissions.
- App is ready to be tested in Android 6.0.
With an updated Android Support Library, Google is making it easy for developers to integrate new features into their apps such as fingerprint support to existing apps.
Android Marshmallow apps can be uploaded to Google Play through the Developer Console. Google has encouraged developers to test out their apps through its improved beta testing feature before officially releasing their apps to the public.
[Via Android Developers Blog]