Lifehacker readers offer their best tips for building your own Pringles can speaker, changing the font on any website, and storing bed sheets.
Every day we receive stacks of great reader tips. From the Tips Box is where we round up some of our favourites. Got a tip of your own to share? Add it in the comments or send it using our [contact text=”contact form”].
Make Your Own Pringles Can Speaker
Go Repairs shares this build for a speaker made with a Pringles can:
Pringles occasionally run a promotion where you get a speaker for the can. But why bother with all that, when you can make your own speaker from the Pringles can.
Change the Font on any Website
Taylor shares a Chrome extension for changing fonts on sites:
I created a tool called Font Changer that allows you to change the font on any website. It has standard fonts, Google Web Fonts, and even allows you to upload a custom font. It is a great Chrome extension that I think your readers would enjoy.
Put Sheet Sets in a Pillowcase for Easier Storage
Sportwagons, haulin’ stuff and haulin’ balls shares this tip for storing sheets:
For storing bed sheets: I like to fold and stack my bed sheet sets normally then insert the stack into one of the pillow cases and wrap the pillowcase around itself for storage in the closet. Voila, a nice bundle containing one sheet set which stacks easily with other sheet bundles or towels and won’t let the individual pieces of the set get separated in the closet.