
  • Your Productivity Needs More Breaks

    Your Productivity Needs More Breaks

    While it makes logical sense that, if you want to get a lot done, you need to operate at a constant state of productivity, the opposite can actually be true. You can sense the need for a break when you hit that afternoon slump and can’t seem to push through the simplest of tasks, and…

  • There’s Something Better Than ‘Quiet Quitting’

    There’s Something Better Than ‘Quiet Quitting’

    Look: If clocking in and clocking out counts as “quitting,” then we should all be quitters. You’ve probably heard about “quiet quitting,” as well as the growing backlash to the viral term. The idea, first popularised in a TikTok from @zkchillin (now @zaidleppelin), describes “quiet quitting” as employees “quitting the idea of going above and…