url hacks
These Secret Netflix Codes Can Reveal Tons Of Hidden Categories
Netflix has tons of great content, but it can be hard to find it all if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The site’s algorithms show you what it thinks you want to watch, but these codes can help you venture outside the suggested depths.
Saved.io Bookmarks And Syncs Without Extensions Or Plugins
Web: Generally, web-based bookmark services require an extension or bookmarklet to save web pages. But how do you save something without those — say if you’re not using your own computer? Saved.io is perhaps the simplest tool for that.
How To Make YouTube Show Videos In VHS-Like ‘Tape Mode’
Want to make your YouTube videos look as if they’re being played on a non-too-healthy VHS machine? A simple URL hack can make it happen.
Bo.lt Shares And Remixes Web Pages
We’ve talked about URL shrinking, web page remixing using custom CSS, and social link sharing before, but free webapp Bo.lt offers all three services in one convenient package. Use it to make custom landing pages, creative wish lists, or just share and comment on nyan cat pics with your friends.