
  • Evil Week: Give These Gifts to the Kids of Parents You Hate

    Evil Week: Give These Gifts to the Kids of Parents You Hate

    Welcome to Evil Week, our annual dive into all the slightly sketchy hacks we’d usually refrain from recommending. Want to weasel your way into free drinks, play elaborate mind games, or, er, launder some money? We’ve got all the info you need to be successfully unsavory. When you have kids, people give you gifts. It’s…

  • Should You Really Only Buy Blue Dog Toys?

    Should You Really Only Buy Blue Dog Toys?

    Dog owners often take canine comforts to dizzying extremes, like feeding their dogs home-cooked meals or enrolling them in fancy sleep away camps. When it comes to shopping for dog toys, it’s become popular to factor in the colour of said toy when striving to make the best possible purchase.