The Best Natural Toothpaste Options to Use on Your Pearly Whites
Natural toothpaste is an alternative to regular toothpaste brands that are often jam-packed with artificial ingredients. They’re an ideal option for those who are sustainably conscious or have sensitivities that are triggered by the ingredients in commercial brands.
All the Ways You Should Be Cleaning Your Wood Furniture, but Aren’t
The cleaning products aisle of the supermarket has plenty of options for cleansing and polishing wood furniture. And while those formulated for use on wood get the job done, you don’t always need a dedicated product to get your mahogany desk or oak chairs gleaming. Here are some other ways you can clean wood —…
There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Clean’ Toothbrush
There are two types of people in the world. The type who thoughtlessly store their toothbrushes out in the open, in the same bathroom that harbours a faecal-matter-spewing toilet (gross, right?), and the type who takes pains to cover their toothbrushes when not in use, and even periodically disinfect them in the dishwasher or with…
How to Clean Your Night Guard, Because It’s Grosser Than You Think
When I got my dental night guard, the woman who made the molds was adamant that I only, only, rinse it with warm water every day and occasionally, let the soft bristles of my toothbrush scrape any excess mouth detritus from its delicate features. This would be enough, she assured me. (I was sceptical.) She…