
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Astronomy

    A Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Astronomy

    If you’re one of the millions who looked at the eclipse last week and wondered what other cool things you might be able see in the sky, this guide is for you. Whether you want to spy on distant planets, supernovas, constellations, galaxies, or check out the International Space Station, astronomy can be a lifelong…

  • How To Watch The Best Meteor Showers Of 2018

    This year gets off to a relatively slow start when it comes to seeing the annual major meteor showers. The Quadrantids, one of the big three annual showers, are lost to the vagaries of the full Moon in early January. But the year’s other two most active annual showers – the Perseids (in August) and…

  • Why You Should Be Excited About Tonight’s Supermoon

    A beautiful full moon will grace our skies on Monday November 14 this year. Full moons always rise around sunset, so look for it towards the east during evening twilight. Every month, occasionally even twice a month, the full moon adorns the night. What makes this one so special is all the hype of the…