
  • How to Send Disappearing Voice Messages in WhatsApp

    How to Send Disappearing Voice Messages in WhatsApp

    First, there were phone calls. Then we switched to texting, and stopped talking to each other for a while. Still, there was something missing: Phone calls take too long, while texting isn’t convenient for lengthy thoughts. And thus, the voice message was born—a simple way to share your message off the cuff without having to…

  • How to Get Rid of Snapchat’s Annoying, Lying AI Bot

    How to Get Rid of Snapchat’s Annoying, Lying AI Bot

    I’ll admit: I didn’t see this coming. I thought My AI was pretty great, actually. Snapchat offered it to all users for free, creating possibly the most easily accessible version of ChatGPT on the market. If you had Snapchat on your phone, and you had the slightest interest in artificial intelligence, My AI seemed like…