smart speakers

  • How to Use Your Smart Speakers as Intercoms

    How to Use Your Smart Speakers as Intercoms

    You might not have realized all the tricks that your smart speakers can do yet: As well as answering questions, setting timers and alarms, queueing up music, and everything else, these gadgets can also double up as intercom systems for your entire home. It’s a feature available on Google, Amazon, and Apple smart speakers. So,…

  • Is the Apple Music Voice Plan Worth the Trade Offs?

    Is the Apple Music Voice Plan Worth the Trade Offs?

    Apple Music’s Voice Plan lets you enjoy the benefits of a commercial-free music streaming service at a relatively affordable price of A$5.99 per month. It costs the same as Apple Music’s subscription plan for students (and is half the regular subscription price), but it also removes several features — including the ubiquitous play button and…