
  • What’s the Most Shazamed Song of All Time?

    What’s the Most Shazamed Song of All Time?

    Shazam is 20 years old. Can you believe it?! The iconic music-identifying app was released 20 years ago, and as of last week officially surpassed 70 billion song recognitions. To mark the occasion, Shazam is inviting fans to take a little trip down memory lane with a special playlist filled with the most Shazamed songs…

  • Use the Google App to Make Your iPhone Work More Like an Android

    Use the Google App to Make Your iPhone Work More Like an Android

    The Google app for iPhone doesn’t get enough credit. No, it’s going to suddenly turn your iPhone into an Android flagship, but it will give you instant access to some of the Google features that make Android flagships so great, and you can adjust your settings to make your Apple phone work more like one running…

  • Finally, There’s a Wordle Clone for Music-Lovers

    Finally, There’s a Wordle Clone for Music-Lovers

    Going “viral” used to actually mean something. The online content market has never been more saturated, and after years of subjecting ourselves to a little bit of everything all of the time, you’d think someone would be gatekeeping what counts as “viral.” Alas, a tweet with a few thousand likes, someone getting turned into a…