Avoid These End-of-year Financial Mistakes
Don’t add credit card debt to an already stressful time of year.
Gamify Your Savings Goals With Sticky Notes
With the never-ending prospect of a recession hanging over our heads, building out your savings is a mental challenge. A tough economy is exactly when building up your savings should be a priority, but a tough economy is when finding the funds to save is most painful.
Be a Finance Squirrel
When it comes to tricking yourself into saving more money, think like a squirrel. Just like squirrels bury nuts to prepare for winter, we can squirrel money in order to prepare for economic dry spells. And while we’re taking money lessons from squirrels, they crucially don’t store all their bounty in one place.
9 Common Household Items That Are Using Too Much Energy
Saving energy is always important, but with prices rising, electricity and heating bills are an especially hot topic right now, so to speak. There are plenty of ways to cut down on energy use — but you have to identify the main energy-sucking offenders lurking around your home first.