
  • How to Use Mindfulness to Get More Done at Work

    How to Use Mindfulness to Get More Done at Work

    Getting yourself to do deep work—or work that is solely focused on a single task with no disruptions or distractions—is a major part of being productive, but you might find that settling into that flow state is surprisingly hard. For some, it comes easily, but if you’re not one of them, consider using some mindfulness…

  • Apply Marie Kondo’s Method to Your To-do Lists

    Apply Marie Kondo’s Method to Your To-do Lists

    For as much energy as you put into creating the perfect to-do list and being productive, it’s just a fact that you also need to prioritize downtime and joy. You can schedule breaks using the Pomodoro technique and prioritize your tasks based on how long they’ll take and how many results they’ll yield, but you…