
  • What to Do When Your Dishwasher Isn’t Draining

    What to Do When Your Dishwasher Isn’t Draining

    You did everything right to properly clean and properly load your dishwasher. So why is there a pool of standing water at the bottom of the machine? What can you do when your trusty dishwasher refuses to drain? If the last thing you want is to shell out for a repair person — or worse,…

  • The Easiest Ways to Fix a Running Toilet

    The Easiest Ways to Fix a Running Toilet

    Ah, the toilet. An invention so perfect we haven’t made any substantial updates to it in the five centuries or so since its introduction. The flush toilet you’re using today is essentially the same design introduced by Sir John Harrington in the 16th century — it relies on a water supply and gravity, and uses…

  • The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    Real estate listings sound like they should be pretty straightforward, but if you’re not familiar with the terminology and abbreviations, it can seem like they’re written in a different language. Some things are self-explanatory, like seeing “primary bedroom” and knowing it’s what has been traditionally known as a “master bedroom.”