
  • Biorhythms Aren’t Real, But ‘Peaks’ of Productivity Can Be

    Biorhythms Aren’t Real, But ‘Peaks’ of Productivity Can Be

    You know a theory is janky when even its Wikipedia page has “(pseudoscience)” behind its name in the title. That’s the case with so-called “biorhythms,” or periods of 23, 28, and 33 days that supposedly predict how mentally, physically, and actively on-point you’ll be on any given day. It’s all nonsense, but there are other…

  • Use These 6 Steps to Salvage a Bad Day

    Use These 6 Steps to Salvage a Bad Day

    Bad moods can have different drivers, but a common characteristic is the presence of your stress response. While the stress response is crucial for getting us in gear to face a threat, if it lingers, it affects the cognitive functions that are crucial for tackling personal and professional responsibilities. Bad moods can also easily spiral…

  • How to Safely Pop Your Ears

    How to Safely Pop Your Ears

    Whether it was driving up a winding mountain road, riding in a skyscraper’s high-speed elevator, or a travelling on a plane, you’ve probably experienced a feeling of pressure in your ears that you want to get rid of immediately. Sometimes, the situation will resolve on its own. But other times, you’ll need to do something…