Biorhythms Aren’t Real, But ‘Peaks’ of Productivity Can Be
You know a theory is janky when even its Wikipedia page has “(pseudoscience)” behind its name in the title. That’s the case with so-called “biorhythms,” or periods of 23, 28, and 33 days that supposedly predict how mentally, physically, and actively on-point you’ll be on any given day. It’s all nonsense, but there are other…
Use These 6 Steps to Salvage a Bad Day
Bad moods can have different drivers, but a common characteristic is the presence of your stress response. While the stress response is crucial for getting us in gear to face a threat, if it lingers, it affects the cognitive functions that are crucial for tackling personal and professional responsibilities. Bad moods can also easily spiral…
How to Safely Pop Your Ears
Whether it was driving up a winding mountain road, riding in a skyscraper’s high-speed elevator, or a travelling on a plane, you’ve probably experienced a feeling of pressure in your ears that you want to get rid of immediately. Sometimes, the situation will resolve on its own. But other times, you’ll need to do something…
You Can Actually Do Something About Broken Toes
Conventional wisdom says there isn’t really anything you can do for a broken toe. Well, conventional wisdom is dumb as hell. As it turns out, there are interventions that can — and should — be used when you break your toe.