
  • How to Care for Your Dog or Cat in Their Old Age

    How to Care for Your Dog or Cat in Their Old Age

    Caring for an ageing pet is both lower-stress and higher-stress than raising a puppy or kitten. On the one hand, older pets tend to prefer napping to climbing the walls or sprinting around the house like a maniac; on the other, they’re at higher risk for serious health issues, and it can be hard to…

  • Stop Making Your Bed So Accessible to Spiders

    Stop Making Your Bed So Accessible to Spiders

    Chances are, you’ve probably heard — or possibly even repeated — the enduring myth that we swallow an average of eight (or four, or some other random number of) spiders each year. While that’s not true, it would not be unheard of for a spider to crawl into your bed at some point during the…

  • It Is Possible to Stop Your Cat From Scratching Your Furniture

    It Is Possible to Stop Your Cat From Scratching Your Furniture

    Cats are loveable pets, their antics entertaining and deeply memeable–but they can also be real jerks when they want to be. Scratching the furniture is one thing our feline friends often have a particularly infuriating penchant for, and it might not surprise you to learn that there’s no foolproof way to stop them from scratching…